Celebrating SEAS

250th birthday celebration of our patroness Saint, August 28, 2024- Click the photo above to see pictures of the event! -The celebration began with Mass at 6:30pm. Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama was the principle celebrant. Following Mass a reception was held in the parish hall. For those unable to attend, Fr. Arturo requested families pray a special blessing at the main family meal. The prayer is below, and can also be downloaded. Consider praying this pray as a family before a meal.

Past events:

-A day of Fast, August 27, 2024- "Fasting of the body is food for the soul." -Saint John Chrysostom.
Fasting can make us cringe a little. This spirital practice is, perhaps, the one most associated with Lenten penance, and sometimes we don't do it unless we "have" to. But that's only because most of us haven't really encountered the benefits, dare we say, the joys of fasting!

Don't believe us? Let's take a closer look and come to a better understanding of this highly-beneficial spiritual pratice.

Fasting as a spiritual exercise is known to boost our spiritual growth. Combined with prayer, it is a crucial part of our progress towards God. It is the practice best suited to detaching ourselves from the world and the flesh and focusing on God, because:

1) it tames our bodily appetites, which can be sources of temptation for us;
2) it detatches us from physical comforts, which can weaken us and impede growth in virtue:
3) it aids us in personal self-mastery, so that we can resist sin and choose the good even when it's difficult to do so; and
4) it purifies and liberates our prayer, quieting the demands of the body so that we can focus more acutely on God.

It is crucial to remember that fasting must be united with prayer in order to be fruitful. After all, the purpose of this practice is to draw closer to God and unite our wills to His. Before and during a fast, we must ask God to help us discern His will.

There are different levels of fasting. The most common form is what we do on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; one full meal for the day with two smaller meals (that together don't equal a full meal), abstaining from meat during all meals, of course.

Adding regular fast days to your spiritual routine is a beautiful and concrete way to deepen your relationship with God. It has physical benefits, too!
    -Article taken from a post from the Catholic Company

-A Novena to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton began August 19th, and continued through August 27th. The novena prayers are on the website HERE. We have also videoed the prayers for each day and have a Youtube page set up. 

-August 22, 2024. Blessing of the statue os St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Earlir in August, the statue was placed on a pedestal and moved into the nave of the church. At 5:30pm, August 22nd, Fr. Arturo Blessed the statue. Following the blessing the faithful were able to pray and adore the Blessed Sacrament until 9:00pm. Pictures of the statue blessing.

-July 27, 2024, we had a Morning of Reflection centered on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The day began with Mass at 8:00am. Following Mass, in the parish hall, Sister Jean Rhoads, a Sister of Charity, facilitated the morning of reflection. Participants learned more about St. Elizabeth Ann Setons life, spirituality and the ongoing fruits of her labors. 

-June 5 & 6, 2024, Fr. Arturo and 30 parishioners went on pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, MD.
On June 6th, everyone participated in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. The day began with Mass followed by a Solemn Eucharistic Procession throughout the streets of Emmitsburg. Fr. Arturo was given the honor of processing with the Monstrance the last leg of the procession.

-January 4, 2024, we celebrated the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and began our 18-month celebration of our patron Saint. The celebrations will culminate on September 14, 2025 when we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of her canonization. This 18 month celebration is an opportunity to discover the life, legacy, and spirituality of Elizabeth Ann Seton as a source of inspiration and encouragement for all people.