Faith Formation

Director of Religious Education (DRE): This position is curently vacant. Interested applicants can submit their resume to

The mission of our Faith Formation program is to provide empowerment and resources to the families of our faith community toward the goal of forming the next generation of strong
Catholic Christians.

Parents are the first and most important teachers of the Faith
                                                                          Saint John Paul II – Familiaris Consortio (1981) paraphrased


2024-25 Faith Formation Calendar HERE


THERE IS NO CURBSIDE DROP-OFF or PICK-UP EVER. It is a major safety concern. Please bring your children into the parish hall where they will gather with their catechist. Parents/guardians will sign out their child(ren) from their classroom.

For families with extraordinary circumstances that would prevent successful participation in our classroom setting, SEAS also offers a parent-led option that can be completed at home. If you would like to participate in the online option, please contactthe parish office
for more information.

Interested in becoming more involved?  We can always use volunteers throughout the year!  Contact the parish office if you are interested in being a catechist, a substitute, a hall monitor, a chaperone, or assisting with special projects/events.  Safe Environment training and a background check is required for all volunteers who work with children or youth.