


Our parish creates a special community, bringing together a group of the faithful who are bonded to one another in our shared beliefs. In this community, our relationships deepen through these beliefs and together we create a history with one another. Lifelong relationships are made, relationships through which support, joy and love are shared at every stage of life.

This page exists as an effort to inform parishioners of the financial status/financial needs of the parish and make them aware of opportunities to fulfill our obligation to our Lord in response to all he has given us.


Our 2023/2024 Financial Statement / Offertory Commitment

Financial stewardship is only a portion of our responsibilities as Catholic Christians.  Prayer, Worship, and a sharing of our Time and Talents within the parish and the wider community are also an essential part of our faith experience. We are always in need of time and talents of our parishioners. Check out the Volunteer Opportunity page to see some of the ways you can become involved in parish life!

A Stewardship Prayer
My Parish is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
It will be holy, if I am.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It will make generous gifts, if I am a generous giver.
It will bring other people into its worship and
fellowship, if I invite and bring them.
It will be a parish of love and faith and fellowship,
if I, who make it what it is,
am filled with love and faith and fellowship.
Therefore, with Your help, O God,
I shall dedicate myself to the task of being
all things that I want my parish to be. Amen.

WeShare Online Giving
A big “thank you” to all of those participating in online giving with WeShare!  Online giving has been a big help to our parish.  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has received more consistent donations and been able to re-prioritize office tasks.  WeShare saves the administrative staff valuable time with its ability to accept credit and debit cards and to make automatic withdrawals from checking and savings accounts.  This means more time to serve you and our mission as parish. 

No matter how you give, your gifts are always appreciated!  If you have not yet made the switch to online giving, we invite you to consider doing so.  Online giving offers our parish a stable, sustainable future.  We know that you share in this vision and we’re excited about giving our parishioners many ways to participate in our growth as a parish family.  Thank you for your support! Get started here:
FAQ / How to sign up

Offertory Envelopes
Envelopes are available to all registered parishioners. If you are not receiving your envelopes, wish to cancel, or your address has changed, please call the office. If you switch to online giving and no longer use your envelopes, please let us know so we can cancel them. 
PLEASE NOTE: If you need year end contribution statements for tax purposes, you must be registered in the parish and use envelopes, online giving or checks. 

Capital Expenses Fund
Our buildings continue to age and are in need of repairs and updates. Donations to the Capital Expense Fund assist the parish in making these much needed repairs and updates. Donations can be made online on the WeShare site: ; they can also be mailed in or dropped in the offertory baskets (please place in an envelope and label 'Capital Expenses'). For those who receive offertory envelopes, there is a special Capital Improvement envelope in your packet each quarter.  Please consider a one time or monthly donation to help address the many needed repairs on our buildings and property.    

Do you need to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA? Giving from your IRA Account is a smart and easy way to make a real impact for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and avoid paying tax on the distribution! This can easily be done through your current IRA custodian or financial advisor.
RMD Info Flyer