Meeting and Event Reservations
Our Parish Mission embodies coming together as a community to further the mission of the Catholic Church for the greater glory of God. These facilities have been built by the generosity of our parishioners to be used by our members to fulfill the work of Jesus and build up our faith community. While all SEAS Ministries and Organizations are eligible and encouraged to utilize the buildings and grounds, it is expected that they work with the parish staff to ensure that our facilities are properly reserved for appropriate Church/Parish activities. Use of Parish facilities without approval can result in forfeiture of future use.
This form must be completed and approved, and a Facilities Usage Agreement signed before any meeting or event is placed on the parish calendar
Below is a google form-complete form and hit submit.
Meeting/Event Reservation Form
Below is a link if you wish to download a PDF version of the form to fill out and return to the parish office.
Meeting/Event Reservation Form-PDF
Once your event is approved, you will be asked to read and sign the Facilities Usage Agreement Form. Your event will be placed on the calendar after this second form is signed and returned to the parish office. Below is a link to the Facilities Usage Agreement for review/download.
Facilities Usage Agreement