Party by the Pavilion




We're planning a party like we’ve never thrown before! An evening packed with live music, delicious food, refreshing drinks, and activities for the kids! And we need YOU to help to make this event a success!

There are many opportunities for involvement:
-Purchase snd/or sell Raffle Tickets
-Be an event sponsor, or reach out to local businesses and recruit sponsors
-Donate food for concessions
-Help with event logistics-decorating/set up/help durning event/clean up

A meeting for anyone interested in helping or lerning more is scheduled for
Monday, August 12th, at 5:30pm in the parish hall.

Want to be involved with this event?
Complete the form below and we will reach out!

I would like to help make this event a success!

Once you submit this form, Alex or one of the event POCs will reach out to you. Thank you for supporting Party by the Pavilion and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish!


Keep Scrolling down for more information!

Download the sponsorship form below (or pick one up in the parish office.)
If you need an official letter to present to a business, they are avail in the parish office.


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